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The Alchemy Incubator



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“Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.“ I love this quote from Goethe because it doesn’t say “whatever you know you can do.” He says “whatever you think you can do” or “believe you can do.” Our beliefs shape our reality. […]

What If Believing in Yourself Was the Key to Everything?

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We’re living in unprecedented times. The whole universe seems to be conspiring to help us tap into our highest potential often without our awareness and the truth is, it can sometimes feel extremely unsettling as things are unearthed beneath us.  As some one who has been interested in the Spiritual “woo” side of things for […]

When Science Meets Woo

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You may be searching for motivation, but that’s not where you should be looking. No matter who you are or what your job is, consistent output is important. You may even say it’s crucial to success. The challenge, however, is that it doesn’t always come easy! I wish someone would give me $1 for every […]

Lacking Motivation? Think again.

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Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just dream something up, decide how to get it and then have all of the puzzle pieces fall perfectly into place? It’s a lovely little image, isn’t it? But reality is, our lives and businesses take many different twists and turns and, sometimes, we never get to that […]

Progress is Almost Never Linear

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If you have been hanging around for awhile, you have heard me talk about celebration a lot. I believe that celebration is a magic key that unlocks connection and happiness. Joy shared is happiness returned. When you have been blessed, the act of sharing that blessing with others makes it infectious. If you have busted your ass […]

Joy Shared is Happiness Returned

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As a transformational success coach, I have journeyed with countless individuals on the path to self-improvement and empowerment. Yet, there is one topic that often goes unspoken, shadowed by its complexity and vulnerability – the daunting task of truly loving oneself. For many, the concept of self-love conjures images of indulgence, ease, and acceptance. But […]

Embracing the Fear

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One of the things I’ve committed to through the end of the year is being in conversation with someone new at least once a week. I made this commitment on a coaching call with my own coach (remember, you cannot sell something you are not willing to buy!) and I chose this commitment because it […]

5 Reasons To Be in Conversation With Strangers

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Through years of self-work I’ve come to learn that alignment (which is a word I use often) is less about achieving a state of perfection and more about embracing a journey of awareness and continuous recalibration.   Alignment is often misconstrued as a destination—a perfect place where everything falls neatly into place, and life flows without […]

Alignment Doesn’t Mean Perfection

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My own coach once told me that the best use of his time was to be coaching or making efforts to get into conversation with people he could potentially coach. For him, that meant delegating and outsourcing other aspects of his business which pulled him away from being in conversation with and serving others. He […]

Achieving Work-Life Balance: Delegation

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While on a call with a client a few weeks ago, he mentioned that he was working all of the time, but was still unfocused and not getting enough done.. I suggested he commit to keeping track of everything he did from the time he woke up until the time he went to bed. We […]

Achieving Work-Life Balance: Commitments

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