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The Journal

Stop Living in the Margins: How to Align, Awaken, and Take Center Stage

Sometimes I catch myself on the outside looking in. Like “life” is happening all around me but it doesn’t exactly concern or affect me. I call this living in the margins of life—playing it safe and staying small inside that cozy little comfort zone.

Are you living in the margins of your life? Be honest with yourself for a moment—how often do you find yourself simply getting through the day, checking off endless to-do lists, and collapsing into bed at night feeling like you lived in the background of your own story? Like an extra on a movie set rather than the main character? If that question stings, you’re not alone. So many of us are conditioned to operate from a place of survival—doing what’s expected, keeping others happy, and working hard to “get ahead” without ever stopping to ask if we’re truly present in our lives.

What would it feel like to stop living in the margins and step fully into the present? To embrace that Main Character Energy in your life? To be here, now, in the fullness of your life?

Here’s the thing: living in the margins is a byproduct of misalignment. Somewhere along the way, you got disconnected from your authentic self—your needs, your desires, and the unique gifts you’re here to share with the world. But misalignment isn’t permanent. Through tools like Human Design and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), you can reclaim your place at the center of your life, living with intention, authenticity, and joy.

Let’s start with Human Design. Think of it as your energetic blueprint—a map that helps you understand how you’re wired to make decisions, interact with others, and align with your purpose. When you understand your Human Design, you gain insight into where you might be living out of alignment. Maybe you’re saying “yes” to things that drain you, chasing goals that don’t truly resonate, following rules designed for someone else, and beating yourself up for screwing it up, or ignoring the inner nudges that are trying to guide you to something better. Human Design gives you the permission slip to honor what feels right for you and let go of what doesn’t. With Human Design, the goal is always awareness that leads to expansion. There’s never anything to fix or change related to your Human Design. The goal is always to truly understand yourself and then work with what’s yours.

NLP, on the other hand, is a powerful tool for rewiring the subconscious patterns that keep you stuck. Unraveling all the bullshit stories that have been put on you by a society that expects you to be a carbon copy—you are not a carbon copy, my friend, you are wildly and wonderfully unique.

NLP and Subconscious Reprogramming allow you to understand the language of your mind and how your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions create your reality. Through NLP, you can shift limiting decisions and beliefs, reframe negative self-talk, and create new, empowering narratives that support the life you want to live.

When you combine Human Design and NLP, something magical happens. You not only understand who you are on a soul level, but you also have the tools to embody that knowledge in your everyday life. You learn to trust yourself, set boundaries, and prioritize what truly matters. To experience embodied joy and be the conscious leader you’re designed to be. When we combine this work (and that’s what happens with all my clients and community members), you move from the sidelines to center stage, no longer living on autopilot but actively choosing how you show up in each moment.

So, how do you start moving from the margins to the present? Here are three steps to get you started:

  1. Get Curious About Your Design Begin by exploring your Human Design chart. What is your energy type? What does your authority say about how you’re meant to make decisions? Start experimenting with what feels aligned for you, and notice the shifts that happen when you honor your design. If you’re interested in a Custom Human Design reading here’s the link.
  2. Examine Your Inner Dialogue Pay attention to the stories you tell yourself. Are they supportive or self-defeating? Use NLP techniques to reframe limiting beliefs and create a mindset that empowers you to take aligned action.
  3. Commit to Being Here, Now Practice presence daily. Whether it’s through mindfulness, journaling, or simply pausing to take a deep breath, remind yourself that the present moment is where your power lies. Ask yourself: What does my soul need right now? Then, give yourself permission to honor the answer.

And if you’d like to take things to the next level, consider joining The SPARK Collective where you’ll find weekly support, inspiration, and connection, Book my 6-session MindSHIFT Mastery program that combines Human Design and Subconscious Reprogramming,  or let’s schedule a discovery call to see how my work can support you on a deeper level. You don’t have to live in the margins of your life. You deserve to take up space, to feel seen and heard, and to experience the fullness of your existence. I’m here to guide you back to yourself—to the truth that you’re already enough, already worthy, and already capable of creating a life that feels deeply aligned.

Are you ready to move from the margins to the present? Let’s take this journey together. You’re worth it.

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JanURY 2026