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I’ve been an entrepreneur nearly all of my adult life. I realized pretty quickly after college that while I love working with people, working for someone else just isn’t my cup of tea (or glass of champagne).  It might just be my stubborn streak, or perhaps it’s because I’m a Projector in Human Design. Us […]

Embracing and Mastering The Trifecta of Self

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You know that little voice in your head that whispers, “Are you sure you should do that?” every time you’re about to make a decision? Or how about when you’re itching to try something new, but you find yourself running a poll among your friends and family first? We’ve all been there, and let’s be […]

Discover true alignment in life and business—embrace your journey of growth, recalibration, and authenticity with clarity and courage.

The Unapologetic You: Embracing Life Without Seeking Approval

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“I know you are but what am I!?” “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.” You might be wondering why I’m hurling old school taunts your way… Hold tight, explanation incoming! Interestingly, those childhood retorts held a nugget of wisdom. Here’s your fun fact for the week: […]

Subconscious Mind: The Echo of Your Thoughts and Words

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A friend once remarked that my media consumption surpassed anyone else they knew. My initial reaction was defensive, as if my enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge was under scrutiny. But if I’m honest, at that point in my life, I was immersed in a constant stream of information. Let me clarify—I have an insatiable appetite for […]

Are You Avoiding Being Alone With Your Own Thoughts?

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In a world that often equates failure with defeat, reorienting your perspective can be a transformative tool for growth and success. Through my study of NLP and positive psychology I’ve learned there is truly no failure, only feedback. Everything in life is feedback. Everything.  Let’s flip the script on failure and unlock the secrets to […]

Transform your perspective on failure into powerful feedback. Embrace growth, success, and abundant living with NLP and empowered leadership.

There Is No Failure, Only Feedback

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Do you constantly feel like you’re letting yourself down? Like the goals you’re setting are unrealistic or impossible so why bother? Or maybe that no one else you can actually achieve your goals (spoiler alert – I believe in you big time!).  Let’s shift that shall we!?  In this Live Show, I share some NLP […]

Beyond the Mind: The Art and Science of Achieving Goals