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The Alchemy Incubator



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I recently had a conversation with my 7-year-old daughter, Tessa. I was running around getting the kids ready for school and said “We NEED to leave the house by 8:30!” to which she replied, “We don’t ever need to do anything. You want to do it because you don’t want us to be late.” Such […]

You Don’t Need to do Anything!

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Are you stuck in a hustle mode, chasing after success, health, or happiness with all your might, yet never quite reaching your destination? The culprit might be the pervasive idea that you can simply think your way to a better life. Let’s debunk this myth together. Real change, the kind that transforms your life from […]

Why Mindset Work Might Be Keeping You in Hustle Mode

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I have always loved snow globes. I think they’re magical and I collected them when I was younger. I would stare inside, at the pristine little world covered in “snowflakes” and imagine what it would be like to live inside one. As I got older, instead of feeling like I was on the outside of […]

Living Inside of a Snow Globe

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I’m about to get real with you despite the fear and anxiety this truth brings. It happened during a women’s retreat where I was one of the guides, and let me tell you, it was a humbling experience. Picture this: early February, a women’s retreat, me, a guide and leader (I was there to be […]

That Time I Failed at Yoga

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When it comes to taking radical responsibility for yourself there’s one thing that can make an instant and transformative difference … Asking clarifying questions! Let me assure you I learned this the hard way. When I was younger I played innocent “I didn’t know,” “you never told me!” Always placing blame on everyone else and […]

Asking Clarifying Questions

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I’ve been an entrepreneur nearly all of my adult life. I realized pretty quickly after college that while I love working with people, working for someone else just isn’t my cup of tea (or glass of champagne).  It might just be my stubborn streak, or perhaps it’s because I’m a Projector in Human Design. Us […]

Embracing and Mastering The Trifecta of Self

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You know that little voice in your head that whispers, “Are you sure you should do that?” every time you’re about to make a decision? Or how about when you’re itching to try something new, but you find yourself running a poll among your friends and family first? We’ve all been there, and let’s be […]

The Unapologetic You: Embracing Life Without Seeking Approval

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A friend once remarked that my media consumption surpassed anyone else they knew. My initial reaction was defensive, as if my enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge was under scrutiny. But if I’m honest, at that point in my life, I was immersed in a constant stream of information. Let me clarify—I have an insatiable appetite for […]

Are You Avoiding Being Alone With Your Own Thoughts?

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As the mother of a newly minted four-year-old, I have been overexposed to the new Disney princess, Moana. I will admit, this does not really trouble me because the movie is smart, female-centered and empowering for young women everywhere and the music was written by my favorite musical genius, Lin-Manuel Miranda. Each morning, after we […]

Do You Know Who You Are?

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In a world that often equates failure with defeat, reorienting your perspective can be a transformative tool for growth and success. Through my study of NLP and positive psychology I’ve learned there is truly no failure, only feedback. Everything in life is feedback. Everything.  Let’s flip the script on failure and unlock the secrets to […]

There Is No Failure, Only Feedback

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