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The Journal

Don’t Hurt Yourself Trying to Stay The Same

The other night, I attended a high school play, Bury the Rest, that my daughter is performing in. It tackles an intensely heavy subject: the epidemic of school shootings in America. As a parent, it was tough to sit through. But what hit me even harder was when my daughter shrugged off the discomfort, saying it didn’t faze her or her friends because they’re so used to the reality of school shootings. That casual acceptance of such a violent possibility is heartbreaking, and I’m disgusted that this is the world we live in today.

But there was one line in the play that just reached out and shook me. I knew instantly I’d be writing about it, talking about it, and diving deep with others to see what it stirred up for them, too. The line was, “Don’t hurt yourself trying to stay the same.”

Change is the Only Constant – So Why Do We Fight It So Hard?

We all know that change is inevitable, right? I mean, that’s basic life wisdom. But if it’s such common knowledge, why do so many of us spend our lives running from it, hiding from it, scared of the possibilities it brings? What happens when we resist change, and even hurt ourselves trying to hold onto things that just aren’t serving us anymore?

Maybe it’s a perspective, an old mindset, or habits we cling to because they’re familiar. Sometimes, it’s the comfort of choices we’ve made, even if we’re only comfortable because they’re known, not because they’re right for us. And there’s the rub: refusing to budge from where we are can hurt us more deeply than the change we’re avoiding. It keeps us stuck under a heavy blanket of the past, even when it no longer fits or keeps us warm. We stay small, cocooned, shut off from new experiences that could help us grow wings.

Let’s Talk Possibility: What Could Change Open Up for You?

What if, instead of resisting, you let yourself move with change? What if you stopped clutching to what’s safe and allowed yourself to explore the opportunities change can bring? What could shift in your heart, mind, or even your world if you gave yourself permission to change — to get curious about the unknown, instead of letting fear dictate your direction?

I want you to step into that space where you don’t just break out of your comfort zone, you transcend it. There’s so much possibility there. And though I can guide you, cheer for you, and share every tool I’ve got to help you on your journey, the work itself? That’s yours. You’re the only one who can choose change for yourself and decide to step up to that personal growth you crave.

Are You Ready to Embrace Change?

Are you ready to stop hurting yourself trying not to change? Are you ready to open yourself up to the potential that change can bring, both in the world around you and in the depths of your own heart?

I want to see you expand, evolve, and find freedom in that willingness to grow. I want to see you fully step into yourself. But remember, you’re the one who holds the magic wand that makes it happen. When you’re ready, I’ll be here to help you unlock that magic. Check out the video below!

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JanURY 2026