The Journal

I Put Myself on Blast

We all have that one task—the one that makes us groan just thinking about it. The one we’ve pushed to the bottom of our to-do list, buried under a mountain of less daunting tasks. Avoidance becomes our companion, and the longer we avoid, the more daunting the task seems. But there comes a moment when we say enough is enough. It’s time to put ourselves on blast and face the fire of accountability.

I recently did just that. There was this thing I had been hardcore avoiding, and I knew I needed an extra push to tackle it head-on. So, I turned to my accountability partner, fully aware of the intensity they bring to the table. “Oh, you done fucked up now!” they exclaimed, their words a playful yet stern reminder of the commitment I had just made. By enlisting their support, I had willingly thrown myself into the flames, ready to be held accountable.

Accountability is no joke. It’s a powerful tool that, when wielded with care, can ignite action and keep the fires of motivation burning. It’s like having a personal coach in your corner, someone who sees the potential in you and refuses to let you sell yourself short.

Are you ready to embrace the challenge? You are, aren’t you!? 

Choosing to be accountable is a brave act. It’s an admission that we can’t do it all alone, and that’s perfectly okay. It’s a commitment to ourselves and our goals, a declaration that we are serious about making changes and willing to take the steps to get there.

As a transformational success coach, I understand the power of accountability and the incredible growth it can bring. If you’re seeking support to conquer your avoidance and achieve your dreams, I’m here to hold your feet to the fire—in the most empowering way possible. Because sometimes, getting a little uncomfortable is exactly what we need to live a life of triumph.

I unpack this and share how accountability can make a profound difference in your life in my video below.

I’ll share my personal journey of putting myself on blast by asking my accountability partner to help me stay on task with something I had been hard-core avoiding. And yes, they promised to go hard on me. “Oh, you done fucked up now!” were their exact words, because they were for sure going to hold me to my word. But that’s precisely what I needed.

Tune in to…

  • Discover the power of accountability and how it can keep you motivated.
  • Learn how to choose the right accountability partner who won’t let you off the hook.
  • Engage in a candid conversation about the challenges we face and how to overcome them.
  • Connect with others who are also committed to personal and professional growth.

Let’s dig in on why accountability works even when it’s an uncomfortable path to growth.

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