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I’m so sick of the hustle mentality. It’s time someone called BS on the toxic “hustle culture” that’s burning us all out. You know the drill. Wake up at 5am, crush a protein shake, bang out a 5 mile run…and that’s just before your first meeting. The message is clear: If you’re not running yourself […]

F*ck Hustle Culture

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I know you may have cringed with the subject line here but I’m watching so many of us fall apart at the seams and we need to have another chat about the importance of self-care. You might think it’s all bubble baths and spa days, but let’s face it — sometimes you just need to […]

Self-Care: Because You’re Not a Robot

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I want to talk about something that might feel a little uncomfortable, but it’s a crucial part of the transformational journey. As you grow and change, other people may experience some pain as well. Here’s the hard truth: When you evolve, level up, and become the best version of yourself, it can be painful for […]

The Inevitable Pain of Growth

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“Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.“ I love this quote from Goethe because it doesn’t say “whatever you know you can do.” He says “whatever you think you can do” or “believe you can do.” Our beliefs shape our reality. […]

What If Believing in Yourself Was the Key to Everything?

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We’re living in unprecedented times. The whole universe seems to be conspiring to help us tap into our highest potential often without our awareness and the truth is, it can sometimes feel extremely unsettling as things are unearthed beneath us.  As some one who has been interested in the Spiritual “woo” side of things for […]

When Science Meets Woo

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Are you ready to step into the life you’ve always imagined? You are, aren’t you? Well, I’ve got a little secret to share with you today. A powerful technique that can accelerate your path to success. I like to call it the “As If” Method. And no … I’m not talking about the Clueless version […]

Live Your Success

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You may be searching for motivation, but that’s not where you should be looking. No matter who you are or what your job is, consistent output is important. You may even say it’s crucial to success. The challenge, however, is that it doesn’t always come easy! I wish someone would give me $1 for every […]

Lacking Motivation? Think again.

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As we hustle through the day-to-day grind, it’s easy to become engulfed in the endless cycle of to-dos and targets. We’re often so fixated on the horizon that we forget to appreciate the ground we’ve already covered. But today, I want to take a moment to say—no, to shout—hold the fuck up! Let’s take a […]

Hold the Fuck Up and Look How Far You’ve Come

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Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just dream something up, decide how to get it and then have all of the puzzle pieces fall perfectly into place? It’s a lovely little image, isn’t it? But reality is, our lives and businesses take many different twists and turns and, sometimes, we never get to that […]

Progress is Almost Never Linear

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We all have that one task—the one that makes us groan just thinking about it. The one we’ve pushed to the bottom of our to-do list, buried under a mountain of less daunting tasks. Avoidance becomes our companion, and the longer we avoid, the more daunting the task seems. But there comes a moment when […]

I Put Myself on Blast