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The Alchemy Incubator



A transformative experience designed to propel you towards your dreams and goals by harnessing the power of subconscious reprogramming.

The innovative “Dream Catalyst” technique, integrates The BRAVE Method and several NLP strategies to help you actualize your visions both physically and subconsciously.

Through this session, you will embark on a journey of profound personal growth and empowerment, beginning with the transformation of limiting beliefs into empowering convictions that align with your desires. 

By committing to intentional inspired action and creating anchors for desired states, you will lay a solid foundation for your future success. 

You will define success with clarity, creating measurable metrics for achieving your dreams. 

Expect transformative shifts that support your journey toward mastering the Trifecta of Self: Knowing, Liking, and Trusting Yourself.

Experience Actionable Alignment

Align your conscious desires with your subconscious drivers and step into a life where you are not just surviving but thriving with your newly empowered self at the helm.


“Before my coaching session with Heather 2 weeks ago, I felt strong emotional resistance toward working out to start my day even though I knew logically that it would be beneficial for me (and my daily productivity). Since our session, I have worked out consistently first thing in the morning and am actually enjoying it and looking forward to it the night before."

"I would absolutely recommend working with Heather to anyone who is looking to transform their mindset and achieve more success in their personal life and business!”


"I felt seen and heard, and like I could share anything with her. Before our session, I was feeling overwhelmed by a project that has been on my business to-do list for so long. Now I'm feeling empowered and ready to take it on - one step at a time. I would absolutely recommend Heather and her services to anyone who wants to reconnect with their most empowered self and feel more confident in their life.”

"Heather held beautiful space for me during our coaching session."


“I've had the opportunity to work with Heather several times and each time has been such a gift. With her energy, insight and experience she was able to hold a wonderfully supportive space for me. This enabled me to more effectively work through professional and personal challenges that were preventing me from achieving my goals. With her help and guidance I was able to remove those subconscious roadblocks and set myself on a clearer path to success! I highly recommend working with Heather!”

"Not only is Heather a master of Human Design, she has the ability to make you feel seen."


see what my clients have to say...

Make Your Dreams Your New Reality

Get a 1.5 hour session dedicated to one micro area you’d like support on! This session can include Human Design and Subconscious Reprograms (such as EFT tapping, Parts Integration, Hypnosis, TIME Techniques or other modalities).

Get started on your journey today

Download my free Dreamscaping mini training to start building your best life!

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