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The Alchemy Incubator



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Today, like every other day, I will shut my computer down at 3pm and go pick my kids up from school. I recognize this is a luxury that not everyone has but it is part of the work-life balance I have created for myself. The deal is, I am in charge of what I want […]

Achieving Work-Life Balance: Series Introduction

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I recently had a conversation with my 7-year-old daughter, Tessa. I was running around getting the kids ready for school and said “We NEED to leave the house by 8:30!” to which she replied, “We don’t ever need to do anything. You want to do it because you don’t want us to be late.” Such […]

You Don’t Need to do Anything!

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I have always loved snow globes. I think they’re magical and I collected them when I was younger. I would stare inside, at the pristine little world covered in “snowflakes” and imagine what it would be like to live inside one. As I got older, instead of feeling like I was on the outside of […]

Living Inside of a Snow Globe

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I have long said “our perception creates our reality, therefore, we have the power to change the future”. So many elements in our daily life affect our perception. Last Sunday morning, I decided to shake up my routine. My kids were with their other parent so I had the luxury of deciding how I would […]

Transforming Reality

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Everyone wants to achieve that elusive work-life balance. The good news is that it is totally attainable and here are more tips to achieve it. Revisit part one of this post to learn about the first three tips: identifying what balance actually means to you, defining and creating boundaries, and making commitments. Now, on to […]

Is Work-Life Balance a Real Thing? Part 2

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Clients ask me all the time if you really can achieve a work-life balance. This is the million dollar question, isn’t it? I believe you can. However, balance is different for everyone. What makes one person feel peaceful and balanced may be the exact opposite for another person. Even when you love your job, if […]

Is Work-Life Balance a Real Thing? Part 1

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When I first started my business, I reached out to several creative thought leaders and business owners and asked them to join me for a workshop. I gathered some of the coolest, most progressive, badass business people I know. To my delight, and slight surprise, each and every one of them said they would be […]

Don’t Underestimate Your Impact

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“I know you are but what am I!?” “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.” You might be wondering why I’m hurling old school taunts your way… Hold tight, explanation incoming! Interestingly, those childhood retorts held a nugget of wisdom. Here’s your fun fact for the week: […]

Subconscious Mind: The Echo of Your Thoughts and Words

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I know that most of us are no longer in school but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be learning – – constantly! Let me ask you an important question “How often are you learning?” The first time I was asked this questions I was caught off guard. I thought to myself, “I am not currently […]

Spend Time Every Day Learning!

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I’ve been an entrepreneur for nearly 20 years. I’ve worked at home with little children at my feet, at Starbucks and in hotel rooms, kitchen tables, and home offices. At times, I could hardly work at all. I discovered that I need to be out of the house, meeting people, engaging in conversation. I am […]

Self-Care Makes You Better at Your Job

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