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The Alchemy Incubator



The Journal

The Audacity to Dream

Do you have any idea what’s hard AF? Writing a Mother Effing best selling book, that’s what!

Guess what? I freaking did it (ok it was two years ago but that’s besides the point)! 🎉

There are moments when I lean back and marvel at the fact that I’ve published not one, but five incredible journals (gratitude journal and manifestation journals), penned a whole ass best selling book (F*CK FEARLESS: Making The Brave Leap), and co-created a set of stunning, impactful manifestation cards (The Create Brave Cards).

I mean, seriously – who the EFF do I think I am, right? 😆

But here’s the truth about turning dreams into reality: You pinpoint your goals, start taking intentional, inspired action toward achieving them, and before you know it – BAM – you’ve accomplished those goals. You’re dreams are coming true and you may not even be aware of it. It’s mind-blowing how easy it is to lose sight of the progress you’ve made, especially when you’re knee-deep in life – running a business, raising your kids, or seeking that sweet spot of harmony and balance.

So here’s a reminder to hit the pause button every now and then, take a look back at your journey, and celebrate the hell out of your achievements. 🥳

Yeah, I did that. And let me tell you, it was effing awesome.

And you know what? There’s more where that came from. Stick with me because I’m brimming with more books to share. But it’s not just about the books – I’m in the business of manifesting big, bold, terrifying but wonderful dreams. Dreams that don’t just transform my life but also touch the lives of everyone I meet. I was born to play big, and I’m just getting started.

But here’s a little secret: You’ve got that same fire inside you. And guess what? I’m throwing open the curtains on my own wild ride to show you behind the scenes. 🚀

This is more than a ‘me’ story; it’s an ‘us’ story. It’s about embracing the big, scary dreams that keep you up at night and stepping into the life you’re meant to live. I’m proof that dreams aren’t just for dreaming—they’re for doing. 

Ready to celebrate every part of your journey? To pause and give yourself a high-five for how far you’ve come? I’m here, pom-poms in hand, cheering for you. 💃

Let’s hear about your dreams and get you moving toward them. Share your thoughts, spill your aspirations, and let’s start crafting your success story together.

We were born to play big. To leave our mark. So let’s show up for ourselves, trust in our dreams, and show the heck up in our lives. Tune in below for my live show episode that’s a battle cry for the bold and a crash course in living your best life.

You’re in, right!?

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