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The Journal

Why Mindset Work Might Be Keeping You in Hustle Mode

Are you stuck in a hustle mode, chasing after success, health, or happiness with all your might, yet never quite reaching your destination? The culprit might be the pervasive idea that you can simply think your way to a better life.

Let’s debunk this myth together. Real change, the kind that transforms your life from the inside out, goes beyond just changing your mind. It involves rewiring your subconscious patterns, aligning your conscious desires with your deepest drivers, and embracing the Trifecta of Self: knowing, liking, and trusting yourself.

Here’s the truth: if changing your mind was all it took, you would have achieved your goals by now. But true transformation requires a more holistic approach. It’s about rewiring those deep-seated beliefs and patterns that are holding you back, and stepping into a life where you’re not just surviving but thriving.

Now, don’t get me wrong—mindset is crucial, and manifestation is incredibly powerful. Mindset sets the stage for our actions and behaviors, shaping our reality in profound ways. It’s about adopting a positive, growth-oriented mindset that empowers us to take action towards our goals. Manifestation, on the other hand, is more than just visualizing what we want; it’s about aligning our thoughts, beliefs, and actions with our desires and actively working towards them. Action is the key ingredient here. It’s through consistent, intentional action that we bring our dreams into reality.

So, how can you break free from the hustle trap and start living a life of purpose and fulfillment? Begin by becoming aware of your subconscious patterns. Notice the thoughts and beliefs that are keeping you stuck in a cycle of hustle, and consciously choose to reprogram them. If you’re really ready to rewire your subconscious mind grab one of my Dream Catalyst Sessions to let’s get to work.

Next, embrace the Trifecta of Self. Get to know yourself on a deeper level, cultivate self-compassion and self-love, and learn to trust your intuition. When you align your desires with your subconscious and master the Trifecta of Self, you’ll find that success, health, and happiness flow naturally into your life. This is exactly the work we do inside The SPARK Collective.

Are you ready to make a real change? Explore the ways you might be keeping yourself in hustle mode and what would better serve you in my live show episode below!

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