The world feels like it’s falling apart because, in many ways, it is. Systems are crumbling, old paradigms are shifting, and the weight of it all can feel overwhelming. But here’s the thing: in the midst of chaos, we have an extraordinary opportunity to unfollow the rules that no longer serve us and craft a life that’s fun, joyful, and full of YES energy—even when everything around us feels uncertain.
Yes, the world is changing. Yes, it’s messy. And yes, it’s okay to feel it all. But to emerge from this stronger, healthier, and more aligned, we need to stop playing by the old rules and start writing our own. This isn’t about ignoring the challenges or pretending everything is fine. It’s about choosing to live in a way that honors our joy, protects our peace, and keeps us connected to the people and values that matter most.
Why Unfollow the Rules?
For too long, many of us have lived by someone else’s playbook. We’ve followed societal expectations, chased outdated definitions of success, and sacrificed our well-being in the process. But the truth is, the old rules weren’t designed for the world we’re living in now—and they certainly weren’t designed to help us thrive in times of upheaval.
Unfollowing the rules means questioning what’s been handed to us and deciding what truly resonates. It means letting go of the “shoulds” and embracing “what if.” It means creating a life that feels authentic, joyful, and aligned with our deepest values—even when the world feels like it’s spinning out of control.
Protect Your Peace, No Matter What
In a world that often feels chaotic, protecting your peace isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. This means setting boundaries, saying no when you need to, and prioritizing the things that nourish your soul. It means stepping away from the noise and creating space for stillness, reflection, and joy.
Protecting your peace also means being intentional about where you direct your energy. It’s easy to get caught up in the negativity, the fear, and the endless scroll of bad news. But your energy is precious as a conscious leader, community member, and heart-centered person. Guard it fiercely. Choose to focus on what uplifts you, inspires you, and connects you to the people and causes you care about.
Choose Joy, Even in the Tough Times
Joy isn’t something that happens to us—it’s something we choose. And in challenging times, choosing joy is an act of rebellion. But here’s the secret: joy isn’t about ignoring the pain or pretending everything is perfect. It’s about finding moments of lightness, connection, and gratitude even in the midst of difficulty.
Maybe it’s dancing in your kitchen to your favorite song. Maybe it’s laughing with a friend until your stomach hurts. Maybe it’s simply savoring a quiet moment with a cup of tea. These small acts of joy are powerful. They remind us that life is still beautiful, even when it’s hard. Perhaps it’s having something wonderful to look forward to (How about joining me in Costa Rica in Janurary 2026?!)
Stay Connected to Your People
One of the most important things we can do in times of uncertainty is to stay connected to the people who care the way we do. These are the people who remind us of our humanity, who lift us up when we’re struggling, and who inspire us to keep going.
Community is everything. Whether it’s your family, your friends, or a group of like-minded individuals, these connections are what sustain us. They remind us that we’re not alone, that we’re part of something bigger, and that together, we can create a better world. (The SPARK Collective is perfect for this!)
Deconstruct to Rebuild
As conscious leaders and heart-centered individuals, we have a responsibility to look at what’s not working and ask: What needs to be deconstructed? What needs to be rebuilt? This isn’t just about external systems—it’s about our internal ones, too.
What beliefs are holding you back? What habits are draining your energy? What old rules are you still following that no longer serve you? By deconstructing these patterns, we create space to rebuild our lives in a way that allows us to be our happiest, healthiest selves—even in the most challenging times.
The Power of YES Energy
YES energy is about saying yes to life, even when it’s messy. It’s about embracing the unknown, taking risks, and trusting that you have what it takes to navigate whatever comes your way. It’s about living with curiosity, courage, and an open heart.
When we live with YES energy, we become a force for good in the world. We inspire others to do the same. And together, we create a ripple effect of joy, resilience, and hope.
The Time Is Now
The world is changing, and so are we. This is our moment to unfollow the rules, protect our peace, choose joy, and stay connected to what truly matters. It’s our moment to deconstruct what’s not working and rebuild our lives in a way that allows us to thrive—not in spite of the challenges, but because of them.
So let’s do this. Let’s craft lives that are fun, joyful, and full of YES energy. Let’s show up as the conscious leaders and heart-centered humans we were meant to be. And let’s remember: even in the darkest times, we have the power to create light.
The world needs your light. Shine on. Check out this video below!
Living Boldly and Authentically
Break free from societal expectations, set boundaries that align with joy, and embrace life driven by passion and excitement. Create a life that feels expansive rather than restrictive! Check this out, Hell Yes Energy: How To Set Boundaries That Spark Joy
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