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The Alchemy Incubator



The Journal

What If Believing in Yourself Was the Key to Everything?

Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.

I love this quote from Goethe because it doesn’t say “whatever you know you can do.” He says “whatever you think you can do” or “believe you can do.” Our beliefs shape our reality. If you genuinely believe in your potential, even if the “how” isn’t clear, you’ve got the seed planted for something amazing to grow.

We all get stuck waiting for the perfect plan, until we’re 100% ready… until we know we can’t fail. But Goethe’s right – the magic isn’t in the planning; it’s in the ACTION. Those baby steps you take, even when your plans are rough around the edges? That’s where things start to shift.

What happens when you take intentional action towards creating joy as a set point?

Think of joy as the default temperature on your life’s thermostat. When joy is your “set point,” you actively make choices that bring you joy, and you won’t settle for less. This means pursuing work, relationships, and hobbies that light you up, even if that means taking a risk. But these don’t have to always be big decision or actions. Joy is often found in the smallest of details. This morning i found tremendous joy by standing, barefoot, in my yard. Allowing myself to be, literally, grounded.

When you believe you have the potential to create this joyful life, you’ll start taking action towards it. That belief is your fuel. It’s the voice that says, “I can learn to start a business,” “I deserve to be happy,” or “I can find a career that doesn’t feel like ‘work’.”

The “magic” happens when you take that first step, even if it’s scary. Maybe it’s a conversation with your partner, updating your resume, or enrolling in a class. Action builds momentum. You’ll start seeing opportunities you missed when you were stuck in “planning mode.” Joy will begin to seep into more areas of your life.

This is all great in theory, but how do we make it real in our daily lives? We’ll explore practical strategies for overcoming fear, finding that first step, and creating a life that overflows with joy.

This is where my work fits in beautifully. I help people uncover their beliefs, tap into their potential, and find the courage to take that first step. Through my guidance, they learn to set “joy” as their life’s default, and they start building a life they’re wildly in love with.

So, what’s one thing you’ve been putting off because “you’re not ready yet”? Is it launching that business idea, asking for a raise, or signing up for a marathon? Actually making time to sit and read a book? Taking a vacation just for you? Whatever it is, I want you to take ONE action towards it this week. Just one. It can be as simple as a Google search, a phone call, or jotting down three next steps. DO IT. Because in the doing, things begin to click into place in ways you can’t anticipate.

What’s the one action you’re committing to this week? Check out the episode below and let’s unleash some of that “magic, grace and power”!

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