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The Alchemy Incubator



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Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just dream something up, decide how to get it and then have all of the puzzle pieces fall perfectly into place? It’s a lovely little image, isn’t it? But reality is, our lives and businesses take many different twists and turns and, sometimes, we never get to that […]

Progress is Almost Never Linear

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My own coach once told me that the best use of his time was to be coaching or making efforts to get into conversation with people he could potentially coach. For him, that meant delegating and outsourcing other aspects of his business which pulled him away from being in conversation with and serving others. He […]

Achieving Work-Life Balance: Delegation

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While on a call with a client a few weeks ago, he mentioned that he was working all of the time, but was still unfocused and not getting enough done.. I suggested he commit to keeping track of everything he did from the time he woke up until the time he went to bed. We […]

Achieving Work-Life Balance: Commitments

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I remember the day it all came crashing down. Clients were lined up out the door (this is a good problem, of course, but I was at max capacity and something had to give) and all I could do was scroll through Facebook. I was working hard but I was not working smart. I was […]

Achieving Work-Life Balance: Productivity

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When I first started my business, I thought I needed to be available 24/7 in order to be successful. That led clients to think I was always available and caused frustration and exhaustion on my part. I knew I couldn’t continue like that so I took a serious look at what I wanted and identified […]

Achieving Work-Life Balance: Define and Create Boundaries

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A Love Affair… The most successful people out there, the ones who appear to have it all together, are in on an amazing secret. They know of something that basically guarantees their potential for greatness and they make it a daily habit. Guess what, so do I! One might consider it a secret love affair. […]

Boundaries – Your Key to Freedom!

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Are you stuck in a hustle mode, chasing after success, health, or happiness with all your might, yet never quite reaching your destination? The culprit might be the pervasive idea that you can simply think your way to a better life. Let’s debunk this myth together. Real change, the kind that transforms your life from […]

Why Mindset Work Might Be Keeping You in Hustle Mode

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