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The Alchemy Incubator



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It’s official; you have finally launched your new business. That is pretty damn exciting, congratulations! Now, how do you make it successful? How do you not work yourself to death? It is easy to jump into this thinking, “Wow, this is so much fun!” and not really have your act together to be successful. Trust […]

Setting Your New Business up for Success

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Do you constantly feel like you’re letting yourself down? Like the goals you’re setting are unrealistic or impossible so why bother? Or maybe that no one else you can actually achieve your goals (spoiler alert – I believe in you big time!).  Let’s shift that shall we!?  In this Live Show, I share some NLP […]

Beyond the Mind: The Art and Science of Achieving Goals

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You are not too busy. Trust me. How many of us think about quitting our day job and turning our passion project into a business? Or taking a real vacation – – you know, the kind where you are not returning emails or answering the phone? How about calling your parents, friends you have lost […]

Choose Intention Instead of Regret

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Welcome to 2024 and a whole new adventure!  Everyone’s coming at you with “New Year, New You” and a million different ways to “improve” yourself this year. I’ll be honest, it all sort of pisses me off. It’s manipulative and gross. Besides, you don’t need to fix yourself. You’re not broken! In the hustle and […]

It’s Time to Embrace Yourself

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