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Everything we’ve always known is shifting rapidly, and it can feel jarring and disorienting, to say the least. But the truth is, leadership has been evolving for a long time. There are, in essence, two types of leaders. The old-school authoritarian leader—the “do what I say, not what I do” kind—demands loyalty without earning it […]

Understanding Conscious Leadership—lead with intention, empathy, and empowerment. Embrace balance, growth, and transformation

Understanding Conscious Leadership (and How to Be a Conscious Leader)

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You’ve probably rolled your eyes at the phrase “self-care” more times than you can count. For many people, it’s become one more item on an already jam-packed to-do list. Is this you?  But here’s the deal: self-care is a non-negotiable requirement for being the aligned, effective, conscious leader you’re meant to be. Yes, I said […]

Self-care is a requirement, not a luxury! Embrace balance, conscious leadership, and empowered living with holistic wellness and mindset transformation.

Self-Care: A Requirement, Not a Luxury (And How to Make It Happen)

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Are you tired of holding back? Do you feel a constant tug-of-war between your ambitions (ambition, btw, is not a dirty word!) and self-doubt? Many of us are conditioned to play small, to downplay our achievements, and to limit our potential. This internal conflict, this quiet self-sabotage, stems from a deeply ingrained belief that you […]

Grant yourself permission to thrive! Embrace abundance, balance, and empowered living with conscious leadership and joyful success.

Permission to Thrive: Why Playing Small is No Longer an Option

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I’ve been nurturing my broken heart and remembering that many things can be true at once. And what I know to be true is that YOU bring me joy. Focusing on what we can control, staying centered, grounded and present in the moments of life – these things bring me joy. I know it feels […]

When everything feels out of control, reclaim your joy. Master resilience, abundance, and balance with empowered, conscious leadership

When Everything Feels Out Of Control

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Sometimes I catch myself on the outside looking in. Like “life” is happening all around me but it doesn’t exactly concern or affect me. I call this living in the margins of life—playing it safe and staying small inside that cozy little comfort zone. Are you living in the margins of your life? Be honest […]

Stop Living in the Margins: How to Align, Awaken, and Take Center Stage

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Are You Letting Scarcity Mindset Run the Show? We’ve all been there: obsessing over what we don’t have, worrying that there’s not enough to go around, or feeling like we’re falling behind while everyone else seems to be thriving. It’s a sneaky, destructive little thing called scarcity mindset, and if you let it take the […]

Is your scarcity story stealing your joy? Tune in as Heather talks about shifting to an abundance mindset, create balance, and embrace empowered living with transformative techniques.

Is Your Scarcity Story Stealing Your Joy?

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Is there a nagging voice in your head casting doubts or throwing shade? How often do you beat yourself up because you have imposter syndrome or don’t feel confident enough to take up space and demand what you rightly deserve? It’s a story many of us tell ourselves, especially when fear or doubt creeps in. […]

Debunk The Confidence Myth: Learn to own your power, embrace abundance, and create alignment for empowered living and joyful success.

The Confidence Myth That’s Keeping You Stuck

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There’s something about turning 50 (yep, today’s my birthday!) that has me deep in my feels about past choices and behaviors. Over the past few weeks, I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on the decisions made by past versions of me. And while I know I wouldn’t be who I am today without every […]

Stuck in Regret? Here’s How Self-Forgiveness Can Transform Your Life

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The holiday season is upon us. A time for joy, for giving, for connection. But for many of us, it’s also a time of overwhelm. A time when we forget to prioritize ourselves in the rush of parties, presents, and family gatherings. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and lose sight of […]

Tune in as Heather talks about how to set boundaries for a joyful, stress-free holiday season. Embrace balance, abundance, and empowered living today!

Hell Yes Energy: How To Set Boundaries That Spark Joy 

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The other night, I attended a high school play, Bury the Rest, that my daughter is performing in. It tackles an intensely heavy subject: the epidemic of school shootings in America. As a parent, it was tough to sit through. But what hit me even harder was when my daughter shrugged off the discomfort, saying […]

Embrace change and stop hurting yourself by staying the same. Unlock your potential and step into personal growth with empowered transformation.

Don’t Hurt Yourself Trying to Stay The Same

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JanURY 2026